A Selection of my PhotographyRather than being a standard gallery, this section includes some of my favourite photographs, with a little background about each one. Click the thumbnails to see the larger version. Feel free to use any of these as desktop wallpaper, or print them for your own use. No commercial use though please. If you'd like a larger version of any image, or even a print, drop me an email and I'll see what I can do. For definitions of photographic terms etc you can move your mouse pointer over the question mark symbol and the box that appears will hopefully clarify any questions. If not, then please email me or use the guestbook to tell me what needs further clarification. River from Walton BridgeTaken on a freezing February morning on the way to work in 2001, this scene depicts the river where it passes beneath the A6 just South of Preston city centre. I drove past a few times, then on this particular day, conditions were perfect so I stopped, and using my small zoom compact camera I took a handful of pictures from behind a pub on the Preston side of the bridge. My personal favourite is the one on the left below.
Glasson DockGlasson Dock is a working dockyard on the Lancashire coast, South of Morecambe. I was there one day when the dockyard gates were open, but the docks weren't actually in use, so I wandered in armed with my SLR, a couple of filters (orange and yellow), and a roll of chromogenic monochrome film and took pics of everything that caught my eye. My favourite of these was 'Crane Gear', seen on the left below.
Formby PointFormby Point is an area of woodland and coast owned by the national trust. It is situated in Formby, near Southport in Merseyside, and is well worth a visit at just about any time of year. When I last visited I took my (then new) EOS 30 camera, and Uni-loc 1600 tripod, and experimented with some more monochrome film. The lake shot (below right) was not taken at Formby, but it was on the same roll and I don't know where it was in fact taken, so I've lumped it in with the others. The grass shot is probably my favourite of the day, and I often use it as desktop wallpaper at work, as it gives me a real feeling of freedom and airiness somehow. It's yellow coloured rather than mono like the others because I converted it to a duotone in order to brighten it up and make it look more like it feels.
Digby's Last GigDigby were a local band and included among their number a colleague of mine. When I heard that they were doing an open air performance at a city centre park I decided to go along and try to capture the atmosphere of the gig. As it turned out, Digby ceased to be, shortly after this gig, with my colleague moving on to form another band. He's now formed a band called Bikini Black Special, who (last time I looked) could be found here.
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© Kev Gill. All rights reserved. | All displayed images may be reused for personal use only. Commercial or publishing use must first be explicitly agreed by Kev Gill. | Last Update : 11th December 2004 |